Timeline WordPress Theme V1.1

Timeline WordPress Theme V1.1

TWT is a revolutionary WordPress theme, intended to showcase your work, blog or interests in an unique modern way, using the trendy timeline look. It resembles a lot of Facebook timeline, though it offers many more features like 5 scroll effects, ajax infinity scroll, header slider, background image slide show, etc.
This is a cool theme to use if you are a talented freelancer, who wants to show his portfolio in a creative way or a musician who wants to make his album collection visible in a FB tab. It can also be used for publishing blog posts in a chronological order, to stream various content from a news site or just to publish your biography in FB.
TWT is an innovative template, available in two versions – light & dark, developed to suit any preference.
PHP5 +
Installed WordPress 3.4+
if you going to use it as facebook teb/app you need to have:
facebook developer account
SSL certificate

2 color schemes
Header banner rotator
Background slideshow
5 scroll effects
ajax infinity scroll loader
3 different post positions
3 image styles
3 image sizes
Lots of different post settings
Removable footer
CSS3 and JQuery powered effects
Easy install with a Step by Step Screencast that even WordPress beginners can follow
Example theme Data with Menus, Posts, Pages is included


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